Game Dev – Planning

Introduction For unit 4, we have taken place in many workshops around the three main topics of interactive, audio and visual. We can worked on making small animation cycles for 3d characters to sprites we made and was able to get them working in a game engine. We then learnt about the use of audio…

Concept Design Portfolio: Production

Production List current skills talk about file organisation / saving and backing up put concept art/ rough models here explain them well and how you will use them to develop my models rough concepts – then with colour

Creating a real time main menu

Introduction Within this blog I will be creating a real time menu where we will look at examples of other games with real time menus and see the difference between this and rendered menus. These are examples of real time main menus for games as there is a lot more movement and randomness towards the…

Making Tilt sets for Unreal Engine

Introduction Within this workshop we will be working on having tilt sets within unreal engine to make a 2D platformer game for our character, For this I will use my ghost man from a pervious workshop and try to get him to walk around the environment of a world I made through a tilt set….

Animation States in Unreal Engine

Introduction In this workshop we are working from where we made the main menu and are now going to add in our ninja animation cycles into the game to add some playability and to learn how to do so. We will also have more practice on importing in cycles for a character to get a…

Unreal Engine Blueprints

Introduction In this workshop we will be getting our sprites that we have made on piskel and import them into unreal engine to animate them and create a scene for the character to move, jump and shoot. We will be using blueprints to do this. When saving the velocity changes it worked with how my…

Making a Main Menu

Introduction In this workshop we will be researching into different game main menus and finding out the importance’s of the design and usability of them. The first thing a player sees in any game is a menu. This “face” of a game is what gives them the opportunity to feel the atmosphere of a game from the very first seconds. Within these main menu I can see that the…

FMP – Evaluation

Reflect on aims and objectives and the success of those. Quality of my work. Struggles I had. Feedback from tutors, peers and myself.

FMP – Concept Design Portfolio: Pre-Production

Introduction This blog post will be based on the research I collect for my FMP and how my ideas are being found and changed through the influence of other artist and primary active research. I want to look into pre-production which will allow me to know what I need to complete the unit and identify…

FMP – Rationale

Introduction Within this blog post, I aim to look back on what I have done already on the course. We have completed many units of work ranging in skill learning and teamwork. I want to think about how much I’ve learnt and what I will be using for this final project. Unit 1 (Battle Tanks)…

FMP – Action Plan and Timetable

Aim 1 – Create a setting environment for a forest Objective 1 – Research what needs to be included – Watch videos on making environments like forests and explore real life areas to get a understanding of the look of them. Objective 2 – Produce concept art through drawing normally or pixel art for the…

FMP – Bibliography

Images On Mood board Gutierrez, H., n.d. Pin by Heidi Gutierrez on Stone Houses | Old stone houses, Stone house, Architecture old. [online] Pinterest. Available at: <; [Accessed 22 February 2021]. Pinterest. 2021. Pin by Zhijie Zhang on Low Poly Inspiration | Environment concept art, Landscape model, Infographic design free. [online] Available at: <; [Accessed 25…

FMP – Evaluation Summary

Introduction In this blog post I will think about how I will meet my goals for this project and make some decisions on what I will chose to make for my FMP now that I have made the mind maps and gathered a few ideas I could work off. Pre Production For my FMP I…

FMP – Project Concept

Introduction Within this blog post, I will look at potential ideas I could create for my FMP. I will be creating a range of mind maps that will be made in detail of all the job roles and paths I could take. I have a few ideas before doing this of what I could make…

Reflection on Presentation

Introduction Within this Blog post I will talk about the feedback I received from doing my presentation. I will then reflect on those comments and see how I could improve. Reflection As a whole I think I did a well structured and clear presentation talking about my path onto the course and how I am…

Flip books in unreal

Introduction We will be making a flip book within unreal engine by first making a drawn 2D character and using a website called piskel to create the frames and then import them into unreal engine. This is something new we will be working on as we have only previously learned how to rig and animate…

Idle & Jump Character cycles

Introduction We will be working on our 3 and 4th character animation cycle in which we will make a jump and idle cycle. An idle walk cycle is good for when the character is not doing any major actions where they stand still and will have characteristics such as standing, breathing, looking around, body bobbing….

Audio Terminology

Introduction For the game dev project we need to maker our own audio , before this we need to learn about some of the terms and knowledge to be able to create our own and put them into our games. We will be using unreal engine when looking at audio and creating our own 2D…

Character Walk & Run cycles

Introduction In todays workshop we will be practicing a method of making a character walk cycle by using a premade model. We will learn to key characteristics of a walk cycles to get an understanding of how they work. We will try to convey a mood through the walk cycle and will use photoshop and…

Animating a bouncing ball

Introduction This lesson we will be working on citrix to access adobe after affects which is the main software we will be using for animation. We will aim to animate a bouncing ball using new skills and software. We will also use the information we learnt from a previous workshop on the 12 principles of…

12 Principles of Animation

Introduction Disney’s twelve basic principles of animation were introduced by the Disney animators Ollie Johnston and Frank Thomas in 1981. We will be analysing these as they are still being used today within animation. This will allow us to have a starter understanding of how to animate. When being able to understand all the principles…

Brief Introduction

Within our next unit, we have been assigned a brief to undertake a a series of tasks to lead up to developing a mini 2D/ 2.5D game within a small group. We firstly will have to do research into the three elements of this unit which are visual, interactive and audio where we can then…

Primary vs Secondary Research

Introduction Within this workshop we will be thinking about how affective and important these three types of research are. Primary, Secondary and primary active are research methods we each will be using at some point within the course. I think I’m use to using secondary research the most out of the three. Primary Primary research…


Introduction This blog with be where I plan and organise my information for the 10 minute presentation we will be doing talking able unit 1 and unit 2 as a reflection. Brief Produce a 10 minute presentation (using PowerPoint and Art station ) on Units 1, 2 and 4 (Battle Tanks and Asset Pack Project) and the progress of 5,…

Making Neon Lights

Introduction Within this workshop we will be working within Maya and unreal to create a neon static sign and a moving rotating sign using the mechanics within unreal. This lesson will help me get a better understanding and experience using unreal and its coding system to make objects have different affects. Planar Sign Rotating Sign…

Creating a Hybrid World Setting

Introduction We have individual researched into different eras that we can base the asset pack on. Now that we are within a group we will be working on concept art and refining what we could make. We have chosen to work on two themes which are Gothic/Medieval and Sci-fi which will be mashed together. This…

Sci-fi corridor

Introduction: In todays lot of lessons we will work on creating a mini asset pack of a sci-fi corridor using textures we have saved and will be modelling it within Maya. We can then test it out in Unreal engine and use the tools within there to create a corridor. This will be one of…

Idea Generation

Introduction In this blog post I will be undertaking a task with a group of class members with random ideas for a game concept. With those ideas we will try to make an idea of a game using environments, characters and persona. In this lesson we will be focusing on research and improving the game…

Modelling and Texturing a Barrel

Introduction Working on speed and improving how well we can work through a task. We will be focusing on a barrel design using a reference image where we can practice modelling and texturing using mostly skills we used before. The purpose of this workshop is to work on speed and work through a practice workshop…

Sculpting and modelling in Maya / Mud box

Introduction In today’s lessons we will learn how to use some new and current skills in modelling in Maya and starting to work on Mud Box. We will be able to learn the basic skills needed to sculpt within the software Mud box. Maya Modelling Mud-box Modelling Using mud box reminds of me of using…

Making a Modular Bridge Set

Introduction In today’s lessons I will be using my  preexisting skills and using high to low baking to create new models. I will be able to learn to create more assets to strengthen my skills which I will use ready for our own designs. We will be making a modular set of a bridge, pillars…

Asset Pack: Concept Art

Introduction Within the last few lessons, I have worked on creating a collection of images within different themes and wrote about them in detail. Now I want to work on making concept art for two different themes by combining them together using different medias such as photoshop or hand drawing. The first two I will…

Concept Art & Digital Manipulation

Introduction In todays workshop we will be working on our concept art skills onto a sketch of a chest where we can add colours and details to look more realistic. By refining our concept art before modelling it allows us to get a better understanding of the design of the object and have an idea…

3D Concept Art (Barrel)

Introduction: We will be using Maya and photoshop to product concept art by merging genres together and making new designs of objects. As we will learn a new way to ID map within Maya and use photoshop 3D to create new ideas. Creating and Baking ID maps in Maya Different lights within Photoshop Point light…

Creating Seamless Textures

Introduction This workshop will allow us to find images online to create new textures. We will be using non seamless images and secondary sources to create a seamless texture within photoshop. We can then go onto getting our own primary images and create new seamless textures. We do this by manipulating the images though photoshop…

Collaboration Tools

Introduction: In todays lesson we will firstly be researching into different softwares that are used for team work within companies such as for communication, planning and time management. This is an important part of being able to work with others within the industry. I want to learn about new softwares I can use for teamworking…

Environment Art

Introduction: In todays lesson we will be working on unreal engine to learn new methods of modelling such as grey-boxing. I will aim to make a 3D game environment within this workshop. Grey-boxing is one of the most important beginning phases of your level design and environment art creation. Creating a New Project When making…

Unit 2: Infographic

Introduction As an introduction to our next unit, I will be researching into different genres that I could base my assent pack on. For this I want to look into completely different design genres to get a better understand of what made them such as the details, colours or objects. I plan to use primary…

Game Influence Research

Introduction Today we will be looking into a specific game and seeing what influences them in different elements such as characters, environments, era or reason behind the game. An example could be ‘Tomb Raider’ – for this game I might look at the following influences: Archeology; films like Indiana Jones Aristocracy; mansion interiors and exteriors…

Thinking About Progression

Introduction In today’s lesson we will be thinking about our future after the course about what we can do such as going to university or getting a job within that area. Before this lesson I had researched into university and was interested in doing animation or game art. I looked on UCAS and found some…

Custom ID Map

Introduction Today we will draw out a ID map within Photoshop that we can customise the material areas within substance painter. Instead of selecting faces we are drawing a shape and colour that to act as the ID map. This is so we have full control of the mask whereas if we worked on faces…

Creating my Own Tank

Starting to model my Final sketch Within this blog I will show my work through Maya when making my own battle tank. It will include modeling and UV mapping the tank using my research and backstory to match the look and design of the tank I want. I will finish the blog by explaining what…

Learning Substance Painter

Introduction Today we are working on substance painter to try to paint onto a 3D model compared to using Photoshop which is 2D using the UV map. This lesson will allow me to understand the basics of using substance painter and the differences between the two softwares. FBX – Universal file that can hold textures,…

Concept Art for Own Tank

Introduction In this lesson we are working on thinking about how our own tanks will look and coming up with ideas and drawing them on photoshop using a graphics tablet. I will communicate my idea before working on modelling the tank. I already have some ideas for my tank that I have drawn up so…

Time Management

Introduction In todays lesson we worked with Kelly on how we can improve our time management skills within college, at home and within our spare time. From this task we should learn about our strengths and weaknesses when it comes to organisation and time management. 3 things I need more time on: On my work…

Modelling a Realistic Tank: Texturing

Introduction Within these lesson we will be learning to create our own texture and design for the battle tank project using software such as photoshop and placing them onto the tank to finish the design. How to export an UP map Possible Resolutions 256 x 256 512 x 512 1024 x 1024 2048 x 2048…

Perspective Drawing

Introduction In today’s lesson we worked on looking at how to draw using perspectives such as one point and two point perspective and the use of horizon point drawing to create different angled styles. We used this to create different drawings for our tanks and now can use this technique to do so. Next I…

Unit 2: Research

Introduction Today we worked on our drawing skills and pushed each other to try different techniques and methods to drawing. We are looking into realistic objects through primary research and also secondary research to create our own ideas. Primary Research Reference Photos My Drawings To start the lesson we worked on making a continuous line…

Modeling a Realistic Tank

Introduction Today we will be creating a realistic tank within Maya. First we will be looking into different tanks through researching and then working on a modelling activity though Maya and learning how to UV map. We will be practising how to 3D model within Maya. We will look closely at the shape and details…